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Our mission

The Institute of Whole Life Healing is a non-profit organization with this mission: To creatively assist individuals in Re-membering their Original Greatness, Life’s Purpose, and Divinity. Our mission is manifested through a wholistically designed Mind/Body Soul/Spirit (MBS) blueprint. The MBS blueprint is based on three key universal principles:


  • Know thyself

  • Cleanse and purify

  • Live in alignment with the absolute truth


These fundamental principles are used to activate the transmutational process for individual and planetary transformation and healing. They are the foundation for the Institute’s Ase Whole Life Healing System, Initiations, individual healing sessions, professional training, lectures, retreats, sacred pilgrimages, symposiums, and conscious raising theatrical and film showcases.


The Institute defines the Mind, Body, Spirit,  and Soul as follows:


MIND: An invisible intelligence within the ethereal body that is a conduit for the transmission of all thoughts and perceptions.


BODY: The dense physical human vessel which is composed of muscles, bones, organs, cells, and central endocrine, circulatory, and nervous systems; also surrounding the physical body is the unseen body, the aura, a subtle multi-layered energy system that interconnects the mind and spirit.

SPIRIT: The innate translucent spark of divine energy that connects one to their Higher Self, which is directly connected to the Oneness in All Creation.


SOUL: The Divine infinite essence of consciousness that incarnates through the breath into the human vessel for the Divine purpose of expression and experience and returns to Its omniversal state of consciousness when the physical body expires (death).

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Event Registration

Please fill out the form below with your information. 


$325 per person 

Registration cost includes lunch on September 21. We ask that participants attend all dates if possible, for the sequencing of event activities has been thoughtfully planned; therefore, we will not be able to honor partial registration fee requests. If you have any questions, please email

Cancellation Policy: cancellations made more than 30 days prior to event (by EOD August 20, 2024) will receive a full refund; any cancellations within 30 days will receive a 50% refund. 

The Institute of Whole Life Healing is a Spiritual Kingdom representative of “many paths one truth”; and Lexington Kentucky is the spiritual home for its many members and associates located in over 15 different states nationally.

The Institute Believes

To creatively assist individuals in reconnecting to their Original Greatness, Life’s purpose, and Divinity.  

We seek to offer a path of illumination toward the Source within and offer spiritual sanctuary for those truth seekers who are on the path of enlightenment through service.

We seek to stand on a foundation of African and Native American spirituality in recognition of our shared ANCESTRY and do not desire to isolate, segregate or confine ourselves to any one particular ideology.

Indigenous cultures around the world share a wholistic view for well being and healing. We believe that everything and everyone is connected to the whole. Individually we are like single vibratory notes that connect us to an entire omniversal symphony called Life. Within the West African Yoruba spiritual tradition of Ifa, Ase is known as the unifying power that connects All Life to the Oneness of Creation. Ase is honored in all ancient spiritual traditions as the Universal Life Force that sustains our being-ness through the rhythmic pulse of the breath.

The Institute of Whole Life Healing’s

New book is published!

Sacred Spiritual Light Leaders:

Worldwide Indigenous and Ancestral Healing and Ascension

Sacred Spiritual Light Leaders is written by a spiritual community of priestesses, priests, evolutionary colleagues, and truth seekers. These authors from around the world, present themes sharing their journeys into mystical darkness to bring forth the spiritual illumination of their souls.

Queen Mother Robin “Osunnike” Scott-Manna

Lisa “AyoDeji” Allen

Phyllis Douglass (Vox Angelus)

Queen Mother Mariyamah “OloMidara” Hill-Sanna

Marshall “Omitosin” Henderson

Cynthia “Oya Gbemi” Barnes

Makhosi Yeye Gogo Nana Omari

Regina “Abegunde” Harris

Etoke “Fuatabong Lekeanju” Atabong

Preeti Gupta

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M. Eliza Abegunde Hamilton

Although 2016 was the first year I attended the weekend to honor the Great Mother, I have had the opportunity to speak with and receive from Iya lots of wisdom, assistance, and healing guidance. Typical of Iya and Baba, they invited me to do what I do and be what I am. This was a powerful weekend for me: to get to be fully embodied and fully manifested; to call the ancestors; to help facilitate healing. Am grateful for the opportunity to be with other women in praise and healing; and to be with men in the same space. I love that Iya and Baba continue to open their arms and home to “traditional” practitioners from many walks and for those who walk paths older than tradition. Am grateful that they have created a community where all can show up fully themselves without apology. This is such a gift to receive from one’s elders. I look forward to working with them in the future. – Much love and grace, always, -M. Eliza Abegunde Hamilton

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Over the past few years of knowing Iya Osunnike and Baba Koleoso, I’ve been honored to receive Spiritual Intuitive Readings and attend weekend journeys of exploration and celebration. I started my journey with the Institute of Whole Life Healing when a good friend and sister gifted me a reading with Iya Osunnike. The spiritual reading was so powerful and spot on. I was on a spiritual journey, but I wasn’t living a life in tune with my spiritual values with regard to all my relationships. Iya was so free of judgment and full of love in offering interpretation and advice during this challenging time in my life. It felt especially heart-warming since I had never met her, let alone, had a conversation with her prior to this reading. It charged and encouraged me to dive further into myself and learn more about the spiritual blockages that prevent me from achieving my life purpose. It also encouraged me to look more deeply into the need for ancestral healing. Before I left to visit my homeland, I received an Odu reading with Iya. Chanting and connecting with this sacred Odu truly helped me achieve a space of healing and peace with my ancestors, both on their land and in my womb space. I give so much thanks to Iya for helping me cultivate this space of magic and healing within my being.

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I attended an Sacred Sexual Healing, Liberation and Wholeness Igniter weekend  which set me on my path to claiming my power as a feminine being. Through that experience a very deep, divine part of me was reawakened and I began to truly hear the wisdom of my intuition and recognize the ancient knowing that lived in my womb and my heart.

Love & Blessings,


Calendar Pages

Upcoming Events

Our Founders

HRM Queen Mother Osunnike Ifeyinwa Anke Eri is the co-founder and president of the Institute of Whole Life Healing, (and the paramount Queen Mother. Queen Mother Osunnike is a natural healer, spiritual midwife, seeress, Iyanifa, priestess of Osun, and Reiki Master teacher.

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